Nutritional Response Testing

Why Nutrition Response Testing?

  • You are not sure or confused on what supplements to take and how much.
  • You may have one or more health conditions that won’t go away.
  • You have visited doctors, even alternative practitioners, but had limited or no results.
  • You have health conditions significantly affecting your life with your work, family, or play.
  • You realize that these conditions are probably not going to get better unless the real source of the problem is found and corrected.

What is Nutrition Response Testing?

Nutrition Response Testing is a non-invasive system of analyzing the body to determine the underlying causes of ill or non-optimum health. This system may be quite different from any other healing practice that you may have experienced.

There will be some questions for you before and during the testing. The actual procedure is simple and direct, with the body providing all of the information and feedback needed, reliably and consistently.

What are we testing for?

Through the analysis, we are testing your body’s neurological reflexes. These reflexes are the body’s way of telling us what and how your nervous system is doing. The nervous system is responsible for regulating the body’s functions for every tissue and organ. The testing includes a full body scan to properly assess the reflexes of organs, glands, joints, muscles, etc.. These reflexes are tested on the surface of the body and then the findings are analyzed.

How do we get the body’s “reflex” information?

The nervous system communicates using electrical energy that flows through the nerves between all parts and organs of the body. The flow can become disrupted for a variety of reasons. This disruption is easily discovered with testing.

The practitioner will perform the analysis by utilizing muscle testing. The muscle test is actually a neuro-muscular integrity test. In easier terms, the function of the muscle tested acts as an indicator of the energy conducted through the nervous system.

During the muscle testing, we will contact your extended arm with one hand, and contact the specific reflex area with the other hand. If the tested reflex is stressed, your nervous system will respond by reducing energy to the extended arm (which will weaken and cause it to drop). A drop in the arm indicates underlying stress or dysfunction in that area which can be affecting your health. Once the underlying stress is corrected, this weak muscle response will no longer occur.

After testing, what’s next?

Following the consultation and analysis, you will be given the results in a way that you can understand, and you will get a specifically designed nutrition program, based off the information your body provides. The program will match the exact needs of your body through dietary suggestions and whole food nutritional supplements to aid your body in healing itself. Often, the elements in your personal Designed Clinical Nutrition program are nutrients that your body is not currently receiving and/or assimilating in your current diet.

How do I know which supplements are right for me?

After we identify the underlying reason your body is creating symptoms, we can isolate and verify the precise whole food supplements (and quantities) your body needs to resolve its problems. Our goal is to have you take as few supplements as possible, with your body being fully addressed and restored at the same time.

Can’t I eat just better and why whole foods?

There has been a drastic decline in the quality of food over the past 70 years, resulting in a nation of sick people who are dependent on pharmaceutical drugs. Over-farmed soil, pesticides, fertilizers, genetic modification, synthetic and processed foods, preservatives, and chemical additives all have significant negative impact on our health. Your body’s function is founded on nourishment from the environment, not from a laboratory. Current food conditions make it next to impossible to get all of the nutritional components your body requires to heal and/or maintain resiliency.

The best way to replace what nutritional components that are lacking in your diet is through concentrated whole food supplements. These whole food supplements are entirely derived from specific real foods, organically grown and minimally processed (prepared) in such a way that preserves their vital enzymes, vitamins and phytonutrients, as it is found in nature. Compared to the cheap synthetic commercialized vitamins found at retail stores, whole food supplements are better digested, more utilized by the body and ultimately more effective with less overall intake, making them the optimum vitamin-mineral products.

How soon will I see improvement?

Although every case is different, patients often report positive changes in as little as 4-6 weeks. The fastest recoveries are often from those who have most closely adhered to their recommended nutritional program.

Generally chronic health problems do not develop overnight. They develop over a long period of time (often years) with improper diet (which cause nutritional deficiencies and imbalances) and environmental influences and traumas. All of which, have put you into your current health condition.

Therefore, the sooner and more thoroughly you implement your program, the sooner the results. While on your program, if you continue those same poor habits and routines that contributed to your current condition, you are reducing your body’s natural ability to heal itself and you may not improve as you hoped. Success of your program is directly related to your level of commitment to your program.

What are my chances for recovery?

Not all people are a Nutrition Response Testing Case. However, if you are a Nutrition Response Testing Case, then it is our belief that nothing else will help you as much.

While on your designed clinical nutrition program, you will continue on your health recovery process. We will continue to monitor your progress. During the course of your program, additional layers may show up, and as this happens, we will adjust your program as needed with the goal of having you on as few supplements as possible.

What makes Nutrition Response Testing so different?

Nutrition Response Testing allows us to find the underlying stresses or dysfunction that are contributing to your health. With that information, testing can then accurately define what in your health is the priority, what supplements are correct for your body and situation, striving for the least number of supplements, the lowest dosage needed, along with making sure your body can actually digest and utilize these nutrients. This ultimately saves you money, reduces wasted time, and most importantly produces results.

There is no guesswork in developing a Designed Nutritional Program for your health using Nutrition Response Testing because all the testing and information is derived from your body’s reflexes. This is quite a contrast than just reading an article about a particular nutrient to take or recommending supplements based off symptoms or subjective questionnaires.

Please feel free to call our office with any questions.

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